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Wellcome to Marcus Luke in Team Zcebra!

Let’s warmly welcome Marcus Luke, the latest member of the Zebra USA family!

We are celebrating Marcus’s tenth anniversary in the world of Pickleball, a sport he has revolutionized with his skill and passion. Hailing from North Carolina and with a three-decade career in competitive tennis, Marcus ventured into Pickleball, quickly mastering the sports scene. His influence has been pivotal in expanding and fueling enthusiasm for the sport, particularly from the southern United States to new horizons, marking a period of explosive growth since 2015.

Marcus Luke

Marcus continúa esparciendo su fervor por el Pickleball a lo largo y ancho del país, tocando corazones desde el nivel amateur hasta el profesional.

Marcus continues to spread his zeal for Pickleball across the country, touching hearts from amateur to professional levels.

Marcus, welcome to the team! Your Zebra USA family embraces you with open arms.

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